
domingo, 2 de julio de 2017

Durdle Door, Dorset, Inglaterra

Durdle Door, Dorset, England

El Domingo madrugamos para recoger todo el material. Nada mas recoger pusimos rumbo a "The Lulworth Area", concretamente a la "Jurassic Coast", ya que teníamos la idea de ir a escalar la "Durdle Door" y de hacer la vía "The Maypole" en "Lulworth Cove".
On Sunday, we woke up early to pack our stuff. As soon as we finished packing we headed to "The Lulworth Area", specifically to the Jurassic coast, because we wanted to climb the "Durdle Door" as well as do the route "The Maypole" in "Lulworth Cove". 

Desafortunadamente pusimos la dirección errónea en el GPS y este nos llevó al lugar equivocado, haciéndonos perder muchísimo tiempo. Para cuando llegamos al parking de "Durdle Door" ya era muy tarde para escalar, por lo que decidimos ir a darnos un baño y a dar un paseo por la costa.
Unfortunetely we set the wrong address on the SatNav and this one took us to the wrong place, making us wasted a lot of time. By the time we got to "Durdle Door" car park, it was too late to climb, so we decided to go swimming and for a little walk along the coast.

En torno a las 12 pusimos rumbo de vuelta a Essex.
At about 12 pm we headed back to Essex.

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