
viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Pedaleando en Peak District National Park, Inglaterra

Cycling in Peak District National Park, England

A las 8:30 de la mañana puse rumbo hacia Peak District junto a Paul, un amigo y líder del grupo de bicicleta que pertenezco.
At 8:30am I headed to Peak District with Paul, a friend and leader of the bike group that I belong.

En torno a las 11:30 llegamos a Chesterfield, una pequeña ciudad del condado de Derbyshire, de la que su monumento más conocido es la iglesia de St Mary and All Saints, debido a que su cúpula en espiral esta torcida.
At about 11:30am we arrived to Chesterfield, a small town in the county of Derbyshire, of which its most famous monument is the church of St Mary and All Saints, because its spiral dome is crooked.

Tras cambiarnos decidimos ir a hacer un poco de bicicleta por el Peak District National Park.
After getting changed we decided to go for a ride in the Peak District National Park.

Como yo nunca había estado en Peak District, Paul decidió llevarme a Bakewell, el pequeño pueblo de unos 3000 habitantes famoso por sus Bakewell Pudding, un pequeño pastel.
As I had never been in the Peak District, Paul decided to take me to Bakewell, a small town of about 3,000 residents famous for its Bakewell Pudding, a small cake.

Tras Bakewell fuimos a ver la Chatsworth House, una gran mansión rodeada por hectáreas de jardines y bosques.
After Bakewell we went to see the Chatsworth House, a huge mansion surrounded by acres of gardens and forests.

Una vez visitada la Chatsworth House, pusimos rumbo de vuelta a Chesterfield para evitar la hora punta.
After visiting the Chatsworth House, we rode back to Chesterfield to avoid rush hour.

Para terminar decidimos tomarnos una cerveza Ale de la zona en el bar del hostal.
To finish we decided to have a beer Ale from the area in the bar of the hostel.

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