Circular Route in Portalet, France
Portalet - Canal Roya Peak (2348 m) - Pena Blanca Peak (2367 m) - d’Anéou (2364 m) Peak
A las 8 de la mañana llegamos al aparcamiento del Portalet en Francia.
At 8am we parked at the car park located in the French part of Portalet pass.
Una vez cambiados, tuvimos que portear los esquís hasta pasado el puente que cruza el río.
At 8am we parked at the car park located in the French part of Portalet pass.
Una vez cambiados, tuvimos que portear los esquís hasta pasado el puente que cruza el río.
Once we got changed we have to carry the skies until having crossed the bridge.
Tras ponernos los esquís pusimos rumbo al pico Canal Roya (2348m), subiendo en linea recta sobre las lomas hasta alcanzar la base, donde nos fuimos hacia la derecha para ascender a cima.
We put the skies on and he began the ascent, heading to Canal Roya Peak (2348m), we climbed up over the hills on straight line until we reached the base of the mountain, where we turned right to get to the summit.
Tras coronar el pico, tomamos un descanso y sin quitar las focas de los esquís, iniciamos un pequeño descenso hacia la cresta para llegar al pico Peña Blanca (2367m).
On the summit, we have a small break and without removing the skins we skied down towards the arete to get to Peña Blanca Peak (2367m).
En la cima decidimos ponernos los crampones, para poder subir más facilmente al último pico del día, el Pic d’Anéou (2364m). Tras llegar a la cima, quitamos las focas y esquiamos por la pala opuesta hasta el parking.
On the summit, we decided to put the crampons on, to climb easily to the last peak of the day, d'Anéou Peak (2364m), as the mountainside was quite steep. When we got to the summit we removed the ski skiins and we skied down from the opposite mountainside to the car park.
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