On our third day in the lusitanian country we decide to go to the Algarve, the popular area in the South of Portugal, in particular to Praia da Marinha in Lagoa, as it is one of the most beautiful Beaches in Europe, because of the incredible shape of its cliffs.
Al llegar allí decidimos ir a dar una vuelta por la parte de
arriba para disfrutar de las vistas de los acantilados de la zona.
When we got there we decide to go for a walk on top of the cliffs, to enjoy thge view of the cliffs there.
When we got there we decide to go for a walk on top of the cliffs, to enjoy thge view of the cliffs there.
Debido al calor que hacía decidimos pasar la tarde bañandonos en la playa, por cierto, el agua estaba helada.
Due to the fact that it was a really hot day we decide to spend the afternoon in the beach located below de cliffs.
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