Today we were going to visit Alcatraz Island and the most famous prison in the world.
A las 12, pillamos el ferry en el Pier 33, lugar de donde salen los ferrys a la isla.
At 12pm we took the ferry to the island from Pier 33, from where ferries sail to Alcatraz.
Alcatraz o o también conocida como La Roca, es una pequeña isla ubicada en el centro de la bahía de San Francisco, En el pasado fue utilizada como fortificación militar, como prisión militar y y como prisión federal desde 1934 hasta 1963. Se convirtió en parque nacional en 1972. Sus inquilinos más famosos fueron Robert Stroud, Frank Morris y Al Capone.
Alcatraz or The Rock, as is also known, is a very small island located in the middle of San Francisco Bay. In the past, It was used as a military fortification, as a military prison, and as a federal prison from 1934 until 1963. In 1972 the island became a National Park. The most famous inmates are Robert Stroud, Frank Morris and Al Capone.
Cuando llegamos a la isla, un Ranger nos dio la bienvenida, y nos dio además una pequeña charla sobre que hacer en ella, después nos llevó a ver un video sobre la historia de la Roca. Tras el video comenzamos la vísita por nuestra cuenta.
When we reached the island, a Ranger gave us a welcome, he also gave us a quick speech about what to do in the island, afterwards he took us to watch a video about the history of the Rock. After the video, we started the visit on our own.
Cuando empiezas la visita por tu cuenta, tienes la opción de coger un audio-guía, haciendo la visita a tu ritmo y parando donde te interesa, hay varios rincones de la isla interesantes, así como las vistas de la bahía de San Francisco.
When you start the visit on your own, you have the option of taking an audio guide, doing the visit at your own pace and stopping where you are interested, there are several interesting spots on the island, as well as the views of the San Francisco Bay.
Después de la visita comimos en Fisherman's Wharf, ya que era algo tarde, luego hicimos algunas compras por las tiendas de la zona.
After the visit, as it was a little late, we ate at Fisherman's Wharf, afterwards, we went shopping in the area.
After the visit, as it was a little late, we ate at Fisherman's Wharf, afterwards, we went shopping in the area.
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