Buttress of the Pino, Buttress of the Placas & Baloo Route, Panticosa, Spain
En el primer día de esta semana de escalada, nos dirigimos al Balneario de Panticosa, mi primo Diego Diarte, mi padre Eduardo Teba y yo, con la idea de realizar unas escaladas en la zona.
On the first day of this "Rock climbing week", my cousin Diego Diarte, my father Eduardo Teba and I went to the Balneario de Panticosa (Spa of Panticosa), with the idea of doing some climbing in the area.
Tomamos el sendero GR-11, que nace detrás del refugio Casa
de Piedra y que sube al refugio de Bachimaña. Lo seguimos hasta llegar al gran
circo de la Pared del Muro de la Cascada de Bachimaña, donde comenzamos la escalada de la
primera vía del día.
We took the GR-11 path (GR = Long Distance), which is born behind the Casa de Piedra shelter and goes up to the Bachimaña shelter. We followed it until we reached the great circus of the Wall of Bachimaña's Waterfall, where we began the first rock climbing route of the day.
We took the GR-11 path (GR = Long Distance), which is born behind the Casa de Piedra shelter and goes up to the Bachimaña shelter. We followed it until we reached the great circus of the Wall of Bachimaña's Waterfall, where we began the first rock climbing route of the day.
Pared del Muro de la Cascada /// Wall of the Waterfall |
Buttress of the Pino (5b, 5a obligatory, 260 m)
La vía termina justo debajo del refugio de Bachimaña.
The route finishes just below the Bachimaña shelter.
Del refugio nos dirigimos hacia el puente, tras cruzarlo cogimos un pequeño sendero que sube hasta el espolon de Bachimaña.
From the shelter we headed towards the bridge, after crossing it we took a small path that climbs up to the Bachimaña's Buttress.
Espolón de las Placas (6a 140 m)
Buttress of the Placas (6a 140 m)
Tras terminar la vía, descendimos siguiendo los mojones por la barranquera que lleva al GR-11. Una vez en el GR-11 continuamos descendiendo hasta que llegamos a la pradera de El Bozuelo, donde giramos a la derecha para coger el espolon de El Bozuelo. La vía se encuentra pasada la Arista Mogli.
Once we finished the route, we descended following the "boundary stones" that show the path through the cliff that leads to the GR-11. Once on the GR-11 we carried on descending until we reached the meadow of El Bozuelo, where we turned left to get to the Buttress of El Bozuelo. The route is upper than the Arista Mogli.
Vía Baloo (IV+ 125 m)
Baloo Route (IV+ 125 m)
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