On our second day in Montenegro we decided to visit the Blue Grotto or Blue Cave, a cave located inside of a 30 meters high cliff and that is only accessible by boat. The cave has that name because inside the diagonal rays of light that enter the cave illuminate the bottom and stain the water of the cave blue.
Para llegar a la cueva, nos apuntamos a una excursión en kayak.
To get to the cave, we signed up for a kayak trip.
A las 9:30 fuimos recogidos por el guía de la actividad en la estación de autobuses de Kotor, y este nos llevó hasta el camping Begovic / Veslo, donde comenzaba la actividad.
At 9:30 we were picked up at the Kotor bus station by the activity guide and he took us to the Begovic / Veslo camping, where the activity began.
Gracias a que íbamos en kayak visitamos otras grutas.
Thanks to our kayaking we visited other caves.
La primera gruta que visitamos era bastante pequeña y para entrar había que remar hacia atrás.
The first cave that we visited was quite small, to get in we had to paddle backwards.
La segunda fue la famosa cueva azul, donde ademas de deleitarnos con las magnificas vistas, nos pudimos bañar.
The second one was the famous Blue cave, where we delighted the magnificent views, also we were able to swim.
La tercera y sin duda la mejor fue, una cueva completamente a oscuras a la que hay que entrar tumbado, una vez dentro hay que esperar hasta que los ojos se te acostumbren para observar las estalagmitas y formas redondeadas de la roca.
The third on was the best by far, a completely dark cave that to get in you have to lie down, once inside you have to wait until your eyes get used to the darkness to be able to observe the stalagmites and rounded shapes of the rock.
Tras visitar las 3 cuevas volvimos al camping.
After visiting the 3 caves we headed back to the camping.